Apr 12, 2010

'What is an artist?' by Ashley

There's something really special about artists - those who write scripts, who play instruments, who paint, who draw, who sing, who create art that changes people’s minds, people’s lives. Who create change that can shape someone’s day, someone’s year, even someone's lifetime, and do it many many times over.
The job of an artist is to put your heart, your soul, your talents on a platter, and share it. Share it with whoever is willing to take some. Seeing the effect that fearless, creative people can have on the universe, blows my mind. Artists aren’t sending rockets to the moon (mostly), but sometimes that's what it feels like.
My industry, the entertainment industry, is a curse and a blessing. A curse because it can rob you of your individuality; your essence, as you try doing the “right” thing, saying the right things, and be everything to everyone. Despite how creative this industry allows us to be, it is also a very quick judge, eager to put you into a neat category.
The blessings however, are the the wonderful people in this industry that push the borders of what is right, or what can be said, of what can be heard. These people exist outside the entertainment industry as well, in everyday life, and can just as easily be called artists. If you're lucky enough to know one, cherish them because they are truly rare and truly special.
If people want to be artists for fame or fortune, I think they are in it for the wrong reasons. The public isn’t stupid and they can smell 'fake' from a mile away. Be in it to experience the highest of highs, and the lowest of lows. If you choose the artist's path, and you are strong enough to stay on it, after all the “you can’ts”, after all the opinions, what it does give you, which no other profession does quite like this one, is a sense of personal belief. There really isn’t anything that can teach you to be your own biggest fan, but in this career, you have no other choice but to balance rejection, and disappointment, with the belief, and the knowledge that you CAN do great things.
Go be an artist today, go do something amazing - be fearless and keep going. In Laconia, most have forgotten how and that needs to change.

- Ashley

1 comment:

  1. The public can also smell a burnt out star. You are on very thin ice, Ashley. Be prepared to experience the lowest of lows.
